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Buy Red Viagra in Australia

Red Viagra on
  • Product: Red Viagra
  • Lowest price: $2.78 per pill
  • Availability: In stock
  • Payment Methods: VISA, Mastercard, AE, Jcb card, Diners Club, Cryptocurrencies
  • Active ingredient: Sildenafil Citrate
  • Medical form: pill
  • Shipping: Worldwide: Australia, UK, New Zealand, Singapore and other countries except USA.
  • Delivery time: October 31 - November 09 (9-18 days) Airmail
    October 27 - November 03 (5-9 days) EMS

Viagra is intended to cure the male disorder and copes with it easily. This famous medical product became a breakthrough at its time. And even now, when there are a lot of different medicines with the same purpose, it stays an efficient remedy of impotency. Its traditional blue color is changed to red in a new advanced version. It is quite the thing to make a man happy and confident in his sexual power.

The main ingredient of all forms of Viagra is Sildenafil Citrate. It influences the male organism kindly improving the blood circulation. The medicine is useful even for those men who have erection, but it is not hard enough. Red Viagra solves several issues in sexual sphere returning a patient to a life full of romance. It has a competitive price, sold without prescription and is available for everybody, who needs it. The pills are easy to swallow with a plenty of water and quickly dissolved penetrating into blood system and resulting in erection.

Red Viagra 200mg

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Red Viagra is safe, but still has certain contradictions, which should be discussed with a doctor. Make sure that you know all of them to avoid unwanted side effects. The common abnormal reaction after Viagra intake, when the instruction is not followed, includes facial flushing, headaches, upset stomach, nausea, nasal congestion, and vision disorder. Also the patient can feel loss of hearing and dizziness.

If your health condition allows administering Red Viagra, then you can find the best commercial offer in our pharmacy. 100% quality and supply availability at any time! We deliver the purchased goods to the mentioned address without delay and confusion. Moreover we save your money delivering the products free of charge, if the sum of order makes AU$200 or above. We also guarantee the lowest prices and the best sale conditions including 10% discount for all the range presented in our drug-store.

Please, use one of the following available options: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, JCB, Diners Club, Discover and E-Checks.

Red Viagra. Leave Your ED in the Past

A lack of response to the treatment of impotence is a problem that affects about 20% of all men suffering from this kind of sexual dysfunction. Red Viagra gives hope to such people. This medication contains twice the dose of the regular pills of Viagra, which significantly increases the chances of success. Still, the use of such high doses of sildenafil (the active component of Red Viagra) should be discussed with a doctor. You can buy Red Viagra only after you get the needed medical advice, and your choice will be approved by a professional.

How to Take Red Viagra?

Those who decide to experiment with Red Viagra should follow such recommendations on intake:

  • Take the tablet orally, washing it down with a glass of water.
  • Use the pills only when you plan to have sexual activity.
  • Don’t take more than one tablet per 24 hours.
  • Ingest the pill on an empty stomach or at least avoid fatty food.
  • Don’t mix Red Viagra tablets with alcohol, recreational or illegal drugs, and grapefruit juice.

Red Viagra Dosage

The pills of Red Viagra contain 200 mg of sildenafil citrate. This is double the recommended safe daily dose of the preparation. No other dosages of Red Viagra are available for purchase. These pills can be used only after a consultation with your healthcare provider.

Side effects

The incidence of side effects caused by sildenafil citrate increases with the dose of the preparation applied. Speaking about Red Viagra, the risks for developing adverse reactions to this medicine are twice as high as with the regular doses. Therefore, you should be very cautious if you feel any unwanted symptoms. Most common of them:

  • Facial flushing;
  • Nasal stuffiness;
  • Headache;
  • Heartburn;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Muscular and back pain.
    • Except for these, you should also be aware of the possible severe side effects, which show through:

      • Heart attack symptoms (chest pain radiating to the arm, jaw, neck, etc., changes in the heart rhythm);
      • Painful erection that continues for four hours or longer (priapism);
      • Vision abnormalities (blurred vision, color blindness, sensitivity to light, vision loss);
      • Hearing loss, ringing in the ears;
      • Nausea, vomiting.
      Call an emergency or go to the nearest clinic promptly to prevent any serious consequences for your health.

      How Does Red Viagra Work?

      Similar to other ED treatments, Red Viagra stimulated the inflow of blood to the penile area. This happens due to the dilation of the blood vessels and the relaxation of the sponge-like regions of the penis known as corpora cavernosa. They hold the blood in the organ, thus increasing it in size and making it strong enough for sexual activity. Sexual stimulation, as well as sexual arousal, are obligatory for the medication to work. If your libido is low or you don’t get the proper stimulation, the effect is not likely to come.

      How Effective is Red Viagra?

      Judging by the dose of the active component in the pills of Red Viagra, this preparation is much more effective than other medicines containing sildenafil citrate. Red Viagra helps to achieve a firm and durable erection in men regardless of the cause of their problem. Overall, sildenafil has shown to be efficient in 82% of individuals who take it to treat erectile dysfunction.

      Who Can Take Red Viagra?

      The presence of certain comorbid health conditions in men is a contraindication to the use of Red Viagra. The thing goes about:

      • Heart disease that may get worse during physical activity (sex);
      • A recent history of stroke or heart attack;
      • NAION or retinitis pigmentosa;
      • Cases of priapism in medical history;
      • Penile malformations or scarring;
      • Blood cell disease;
      • Bleeding disorders;
      • Allergy to sildenafil citrate;
      • Severe liver or kidney disease.

      Check with a doctor or pharmacist to know some more details. Red Viagra is not intended for women and individuals under the age of 18. Men aged 65 and older are also contraindicated to take such high doses of sildenafil.

      Taking Red Viagra for the First Time

      A thorough medical check-up and professional medical consultation are obligatory for any man who is about to start taking Red Viagra. It is recommended to take this medicine only if you don’t have any warnings and contraindications to the intake. Any health problems listed above may exacerbate even after one tablet of Red Viagra, so be cautious. This preparation is not for novices. It can be used only by those who have been taking other sildenafil-containing treatments for some time and don’t have any adverse reactions.

      Taking Red Viagra with Other Medications

      To guarantee maximum safety of the treatment, a man should know about the hazardous interactions Red Viagra may get into. This medication can do harm to the body if taken together with:

      • Riociguat;
      • Organic nitrates, including ‘poppers’;
      • Macrolide antibiotics;
      • Certain antifungals (e.g. ketoconazole, itraconazole);
      • HIV protease inhibitors;
      • Antihypertensive drugs;
      • Other PDE-5 inhibitors.
      When ingested concomitantly, these medications can trigger a severe drop in the blood pressure or serious overdose symptoms.

      What If Red Viagra Doesn’t Work?

      The chances that Red Viagra won’t work are low. If you are not fully satisfied with the effects induced by the medication, try to find a reason for that, like low libido, poor sexual stimulation, or intake of tablets with fatty food. Only after you exclude all these factors and don’t feel the difference in the quality of your erections, you may consider the use of other ED treatment. Among the possible variants, there are Cialis 10 mg and Kamagra oral jelly 100mg. Both work well in men with ED, regardless of its severity.

      Whatever the treatment you choose, just know that there are no hopeless situations. No matter how severe your erectile dysfunction is, there is always a way to improve it and bring you back the joy of sexual life.

      Medically reviewed by Dr Brad McKay.